Remember that 1917 photo of John and Lella Harrison -- if not, click here. This one has the three children not yet born in that photo.
I know the photo was taken in Bakersfield, California, but I'm not certain the year. Perhaps one of the cousins from the front row will remember. I do know that we were not there. We moved to Oklahoma in 1951, but if that's the year, there's one person missing from this photo that should be there. No notes on the back, so there's no other help on the date.
And, I'll not be identifying my cousins, the children in front. They may have convinced people they are much, much younger! If they wish to add comments that identify themselves, feel free to do so.
Number 1 here is William Vaughn Harrison (1915-1999), fifth child born to John and Lella. Behind him is his wife, Marjorie Ellen (Bloomfield) Harrison (1921-1998).
Number 2 in the photo is Opal Elizabeth (Harrison) McIntire (1920-1997), one of those not appearing in the 1917 photo. Her husband Murray McIntire (?-1988) in front of her.
Number 3 is Willis Ray Harrison (1927-2005), John and Lella's youngest child. Behind him is his wife, Mary Ellen (Leaver) Harrison.
Number 4 is Johnnye Marie Harrison -- and I'm not about to give her birth date!
Number 5 is the third son, Harold Lamb Harrison (1911-1983) and his wife, Margaret (Reeves) Harrison is behind him.
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